Issue #20 in 2018 year, 71-93

Images of the Past. Heroes of War of Independence in Venezuela in memoirs of Bolivar’s adjutant

O. Poskonina

The memoirs of D. F. O’Leary, who was an adjutant of S. Bolivar, are the main source of information on the War of independence in South America. His memories include not only battles, but also images of revolutionaries. Author met many heroes of that time or heard about them from contemporaries; his memoirs contain the assessment of their actions and roles during revolutionary events of 1810–1826.

Venezuela, Great Columbia, War of independence, Simon Bolivar

Altuve Carrillo L. Introducción//OLeary D. F. Memorias del General OLeary, т. 1. Caracas, 1981.

Antología Documental de Venezuela. 1492–1900. Caracas, 1960.

Arcaya P. M. Personajes y hechos de la Historia de Venezuela. Caracas, 1977.

González Guinán F. Testimonio del doctor González Guinán//OLeary D. F. Memorias del General O’Leary, т. 1. Caracas, 1981.

Navarro N.E. Prólogo del Monseñor Nicolás E. Navarro // OLeary D. F. Memorias del General O’Leary, т. 1. Caracas, 1981.

O’Leary D.F. Memorias del General O’Leary, т. 27, 28. Caracas, 1981.

Poskonina O.I. Obraz Simona Bolivara v vospominaniyah generala O'Liri//Istoriya Latinskoj Ameriki v mirovoj istoricheskoj i obshchestvennoj mysli XVI-XIX vv. M., 2010.

Segundo Sánchez M. Las memorias del General O’Leary//OLeary D. F. Memorias del General O’Leary, т. 1. Caracas, 1981.

Tomas A.B. Istoriya Latinskoj Ameriki. M., 1960.

Uslar Pietri J. Historia política de Venezuela. Caracas, 1975.