Número #24 del 2019 año, 161-172


K. S. Natalia

The paper analyzes the role of Brazilian culture during the period of domination of the military dictatorial regime in this country (1964-1985). The author emphasizes that, paradoxically, this regime stimulated the rise of national culture, giving it a protest character immediately after the coup. The overwhelming majority of the creative intelligentsia following the coup found themselves in opposition to the authorities. The new political situation gave a powerful impetus to the identification of such a potential that could otherwise remain unsolved in other conditions. This is reflected in all areas of literature and art. At the forefront of the protest movement were artists, composers, writers, filmmakers, theatre figures, who enjoyed great authority among the inhabitants of the country. Recreation of their works, they sought to create a model of communication with the audience, which would call them to non-conformism and demystification of the existing authoritarian regime. During the period of intensified censorship, many of them were subjected to political repression, which did not break their will. The creative intelligentsia of the country played an exceptionally important role in preparing the so-called abertura, the democratization of the country and its return to normal life.

Palabras claves:
Brazilian military dictatorship, protest movement, creative intelligentsia, tropicalism

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