Número #32 del 2021 año, 293-307


A. Koroleva

Carnival songs in Andalusia differ from other world carnivals in that, they always reflect the news agenda of the past year. A special place in the "journalism of songs" is occupied by social issues, considered in the article on the example of the reflection of the tragedy in Casas Viejas, in the songs of the carnival in Cadiz during the Second Republic. The songs reflect the folk character of the carnival, characterized by freedom in behavior and speech, and permissiveness, which led to the banning of carnivals throughout Spain in 1937. For the inhabitants of Cadiz, the carnival is part of a local identity that is difficult to ban, it was held unofficially, which made it possible to preserve this intangible heritage. Carnival songs do not belong to traditional historiographic sources, but isolated examples of their research date from the 1950s. The songs of the carnivals in Cadiz of the period of the Second Republic, the freest from censorship in the 20th century, have come down to us mainly orally. This is an example of a difficult legacy that needs to be restored, preserved and passed on to future generations. In this direction, the research and popularization work in the field of historical memory of S. Moreno Telllo is indicative.

Palabras claves:
КCarnival in Cadiz, carnival songs, sung journalism, Casas Viejas, Second Republic, intangible heritage, difficult legacy, historical memory

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