Issue #35 in 2022 year, 55-78

Third Congress of the Comintern: Between the March Action and the "United Front"

A. Shubin

The article examines the evolution of the Comintern policy in 1921. In the conditions of the ebb of the World Revolutionary Wave, the Communists faced the need to choose a political tactic: either an attempt to counterattack, reverse the trend of the offensive of capital, or the accumulation of forces and cooperation with social democracy in opposing this offensive. Each of these lines had supporters in the parties of the Comintern and its leadership, and the struggle between them led to splits and fluctuations in the policy of the Comintern. The expression of the first way was the "March action" in Germany, the expression of the second was the January letter of the OKPG and the policy of the "united workers' front". At the Third Congress of the Comintern, the supporters of the second line, led by Lenin, actually won, but they did not dare to condemn the "March action" and proclaim the policy of the "united front" at the congress. This inconsistency also influenced the subsequent course of the Comintern, even after it adopted the moderate line of the "united front", but did not get rid of the adventurism of the "March action". This results already affected the events of the "German October" in 1923.

Comintern, March action of 1921, United Workers' Front, Lenin, Zi-noviev, Radek, Zetkin, Levi, Brandler, Serrati, Lazzari,.

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