Issue #35 in 2022 year, 276-293

Oases in the desert? Intellectual journals of the early years of Francoism

E. Grantseva

Many researchers, considering the situation that developed in the scientific and cultural life of Spain in the first post-war years, characterize it as a time of split and break in the intellectual tradition. Indeed, Spain split into winners and losers, a significant part of the intelligentsia left the country. The desire for an ideological monolith, censorship, control and repression were integral signs of the post-war period, but despite severe ideological pressure and official campaigns to uniformize culture, the components of the country's intellectual life retained some diversity, which is demonstrated by the very existence and content of Francoist intellectual journals. Of course, a significant part of the Francoist journals that touch on issues of ideology, culture, science and creativity can be called "conditionally intellectual." They, first of all, carried out a propaganda function, reflected and broadcast the dogmas of the Francoist ideology. However, some of them have become real "cultural oases", the first platforms for the exchange of views of intellectuals and a means of returning and rehabilitating the heritage of pre-war Spanish thought in the post-war intellectual environment.

Spain, Francoism, culture, Falange and JONS, intellectual journals, reconciliation

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