Número #37 del 2023 año, 112-137

The Communist Parties of Cuba and Venezuela in the 1960-1970s: a difficult way from the unity … to the unity

V. Jeifets, L. Jeifets

The article analyzes the evolution of complicated relations between the Communist Party of Venezuela and the Communist Party of Cuba in the 60s and 70s of XX century. Both Communist Parties originally were very close and had aided to each other during both the Venezuelan and Cuban revolutions of 1958-1959. After the triumph of Castroist forces in Cuba, the Venezuelan leftists tried to repeat the successes obtained by Cuban Rebels in Venezuelan soil and started full-scale rural and urban guerrilla. However, the failure of this armed struggle not only led the PCV to abandon the guerrilla activities, but also initiated a serie of energic debates between Cuban and Venezuelan communista. Based on the documents of the International Department of the CC of the CPSU kept in Moscow (in the RGANI archive), the published memoirs, the international communist hemerography, as also publications by the Cuban and Soviet media, the authors try to recover a little-known aspects of the history of the Communist Party of Venezuela in the past centurу.

Palabras claves:
Communist Party of Venezuela, Communist Party of Cuba, Fidel Castro, Teodoro Petkoff, guerrilla warfare, International Communist Movement, links between the parties

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