Issue #38 in 2023 year, 196-235

Brazil’s cooperation with Russia and the post-Soviet countries: quantitative analysis (195th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations)

V. Goliney

The current article examines relations between Brazil, Russia and the post-Soviet countries. Taking into account the historical roots of Brazilian-Russian cooperation since the XIX century, the author focuses on the period 1985-2022, when Brazil began to change its position in the international arena, gradually becoming the leader of Latin America. The author analyses 3 data sets to see, if the connections between countries are profound. Firstly, the number of visits of Brazilian presidents to Russia and the post-Soviet countries since 1985 to January 2023 (to see the depth of interactions between these countries and the evolution of political agenda). Secondly, the political interaction (analysis of the content of existing agreements signed by Brazil from 1822 to 1st January 2023 with Russia and other states). Thirdly, trade and economic indicators (mutual exports and imports from 1992 to 2022). These indicators are also compared with trade that Brazil has with other countries in the world (indicators are divided on several regions: Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe (without Russia and the post-Soviet countries), Latin America (all sub-regions plus Mexico), Oceania, North America (the USA, Canada)). The conducted research shows that Russia has a specific place in Brazil’s foreign policy, while Central Asia and the Transcaucasian countries complements BRICS strategy for multipolarity. The real cooperation between Brazil and the post-Soviet republics began during Lula da Silva Precedency, thus, his new presidential turn is expected to revive relations of Brazil with this regional space.

Brazil, Russia, post-Soviet space, 195th anniversary of Brazilian-Russian relations

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