Número #40 del 2023 año, 40-61

Reflection of the slavery issue on the pages of Catalan republican-oriented journals during the Democratic Sexennium (1868-1874)

N. Kuzina

This article explores the portrayal of the slavery issue and the Ten Years' War (1868-1878) in the cartoons of Catalan republican journals La Flaca, La Carcajada, and La Madeja during the Democratic Sexennium (1868-1874). The analysis reveals that Thomas Padró's cartoons delve into the complex socio-political processes of the mid-19th century, associated with the abolitionist movement in Spain and its impact on colonial territories. While the journal's editorial stance supported the abolition of slavery, it opposed the separation of Cuba from Spain, envisioning prosperity for the territory only within the unity of Spain. Following the proclamation of the First Spanish Republic, the editorial focus shifted away from the colonies, emphasizing internal events.

Palabras claves:
Spain, Cuba, slavery, The Ten Years' War, the Democratic Sexennium, Thomas Padro, Emilio Castellar

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