Issue #16 in 2016 year, 111-140


O. Poskonina

High-level military officers played an important role in Venezuelan politics from the War of Independence to the end of the 19th century. Military presidents relied on the army, but did not act on its behalf. The armed forces just supported unlimited personal power of the next ruler in military uniform. In the beginning of the 20th century the situation started to change.

This article is devoted to the study of processes taking place in the army and in the whole country between 1899 and 1948. Changes in the armed forces started with technical modernization that required further education for the officers. The new generation of the military differed not only in skills, but also had the corporate identity and the desire for further reforms in the army and the state. The army became eligible to expand its role in politics. Along with the situation in Venezuela at that time, this has led to military coups of the "new type".

armed forces, military coup, modernization of the army, dictatorship, democratization, Venezuela

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