Número #16 del 2016 año, 261-279


H. Topasso

Tristán Marof was a Bolivian intellectual with an outstanding political activity during the thirties. Because of the wide range of political and ideological connections with which he was associated through the years – modernism, communism, anarchism, trotskysm – his figure ended up in an air of ambiguity and unintelligibility. His cosmopolitan profile was outstanding: first as a civil servant and then as a political exiled, for almost twenty years he lived in more than fifteen countries in Europe and America. Despite his youth he managed to be in touch with some of the leading figures of the European political left  – such as Henri Barbusse –  and with the Latin American political and artistic avant-gardes among them the Peruvian intellectual José Carlos Mariátegui and the Mexican painter Diego Rivera. Despite his problematic relationship with the Comintern, he was for some time the most prominent figure of the Bolivian left wing and was seen by the Soviet Union as a potential leader of the yet to be created Bolivian Communist Party. That never happened. Instead, during the Cold War years Marof ended up arguing fiercely with both sides of that bipolar era, the communist and the capitalist worlds. This article aims to give an account of the ideological parabola of an intellectual and politician who went through more than half of the 20th century absorbing and producing ideas, trying first to understand and then design possible solutions for the Latin American and the Bolivian crisis.

Palabras claves:
Communism, Modernism, Intellectuals, Exile, Bolivia, Tristan Marof

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