Кино в эпоху Франко: от государственного заказа до сопротивления режиму DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-254-276
The article discusses specific aspects of cinema of the Franco era, the system of state management of cinema, its tasks and transformations. A look at the possibilities of cinema as a historical source for studying the era will also be presented. The analyzed films can be divided into three parts: firstly, these films were made by state order in the first years of its existence. Secondly, films that had significant commercial success with the Spanish public and became, especially in the second half of the sixties, a mirror reflecting the changes that took place in Spanish society during this period. The last part of this group of sources is represented by the works of the largest Spanish filmmakers, representatives of the intellectual opposition to the Franco regime, which reflect their assessment of the surrounding reality.
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