Número #24 del 2019 año, 41-59

G. MACHADO DICTATORSHIP IN CUBA (1925-1933) DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2019-24-1-41-59

L. Ivkina

«President of thousands of murders", "tropical Mussolini", butcher, tyrant, Nero of the twentieth century, so popularly dubbed the dictator G. Machado, who came to power in Cuba with the support of the United States. The years of his presidency (1925–1933), authoritarian methods of government, politics of terror and persecution, unleashed by Machado against progressive democratic and worker’s organizations, communist and student movements allow describe the dictatorship of Machado as right authoritarian military-oligarchic regime of the first half of the 20th century

Palabras claves:
G. Machado, dictatorship, imperialism of the United States, terror, authoritarianism, right regime

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