Número #25 del 2020 año, 58-71

The interpretation of the democratic memory locations in Cadiz by Instagram users DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-25-1-58-71

K. Kadyrova, M. Knyazheva, A. Koroleva

The article is based on the results of a field study of 3 recognized places of democratic memory and 2 interpretation centers in Cadiz, as well as their interpretation in the Instagram network using small data analysis. Recognition of places of memory is primarily the memory of people who were abused, killed, or buried there. There were no major battles on that territory, but there were systematic reprisals. There are now 6 places of memory recognized in Cadiz, 2 of which are mass graves and they were not considered in the project. The article examines the legislation of Andalusia and everyday practices related to historical memory in the context of the coexistence of discourses of the "The two Spains": the idea of reconciliation and oblivion of the right and the discourse of redemption of the left against the background of taboo themes

Palabras claves:
historical memory, Spanish civil war, places of democratic memory, Cadiz, cultural analytics, Instagram

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