Número #26 del 2020 año, 275-299

The historiography of the evolution of the left movement in the countries of the Southern Cone DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-26-1-275-299

A. Andreev

In 2019 was celebrated the centenary of the creation of the III (Communist) International which had a significant impact on the formation and development of the left-wing forces of Latin America. The anniversary of the international left association coincided with a change in the paradigm of political development of the continent and the almost triumph of right-wing and center-right parties. Left-wing forces in most countries of the Southern Cone found themselves in opposition, having lost a significant share of the vote in recent years. These circumstances make a retrospective look at studies of the evolution of the left movement of the subregion in the context of the traditions of the Comintern very actual and relevant. The article analyzes the Russian (soviet) and foreign historiography of the evolution of the left forces of the countries of the Southern Cone, identifies key research problems, examines research approaches and paradigms.

Palabras claves:
history of Latin America, leftist movement, communist movement, historiography, Comintern, Southern Cone

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