Número #28 del 2020 año, 7-23

Badges on the Spanish coins of 17th century DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-28-1-7-23

K. Elokhin

The article is devoted to the study of badges depicted on the coins of the last Spanish Habsburgs (Philip III, Philip IV, Charles II). The badges on the coins of the first Habsburgs on the Spanish throne in the 16th century have already been studied, however, the badge culture reflected in the coins as a whole, especially systemically, has not been studied. Historiography devoted to this problem is practically absent, many researchers focus only on the arms, therefore a decision was made about such a study. The article discusses a number of problems related to coin minting in both the Old and the New Worlds, changes in badges, the partial loss of some trends in the Spanish badge culture, and the influence of the Spanish badge tradition on other cultures. The minting of coins with badges in the vice kingdoms outside the Iberian Peninsula is also being studied. Spanish Habsburgs in the 17th century on Italian coins, with the help of mottos, revealing the meaning of the messages to patrials, sought to show in their badges the zeal in defending the faith, the desire to establish peace and abundance. In Milan, commemorative coin-like tokens with badges were dedicated to the visits of the Spanish queens. Perhaps this was a local peculiarity of reverence and respect for the suzerain and members of his family. The article explores new trends in coinage with the predominant use of monograms and propaganda issues.

Palabras claves:
numismatics, heraldry, badges, 17th century, Spain

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Philip III, Crispijn van de Passe (II), 1611 ID: RYBNMR Contributor: Artokoloro Quint Lox Limited / Alamy Stock Photo Image URL: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-philip-iii-crispijn-van-de-passe-ii-1611-104891909.html (дата обращения: 27.03.2020).