Número #28 del 2020 año, 54-85

Russian diplomacy and the liberal Russian press on the events of the Ten-Year War of Independence (1868-1878) DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-28-1-54-85

L. Ivkina

The article examines Russia's position on the War of Independence in Cuba (1868-1878), which marked the beginning of a long process of national liberation. The tone of the reports of Russian diplomats from Spain and the United States was determined by the policy of neutrality and non-interference typical of Russia's foreign policy towards Spain after Аlexander II's accession to the Russian throne in 1855. Events of the liberation struggle of the Cuban people, methods and forms of liberation movement, the policy of the United States and Spain in relation to the war of independence in Cuba received coverage in the liberal Russian press, such publications as "World Illustration", "The Case", "The Herald of Europe". Articles and notes contained objective information about the events taking place in Cuba, expressed feelings of solidarity and support for the Cuban people, condemned the policy of Spain, which sought by any means to suppress the revolutionary process, criticized the Cuban policy of the United States, persecuted their vested economic interests and not interested in the independence of Cuba.

Palabras claves:
War of Independence in Cuba, 1868-1878, Spain, USA, Russia, Rus-sian diplomacy, Russian liberal press

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