Número #29 del 2021 año, 196-215

Colombia of the 20th century: the history of the country in the history of cinema

E. Grantseva

Colombian cinema, the peculiarities of its development and problems, cannot be separated from the tragic and painful pages of the history of Colombia in the 20th century. In the panorama of the national cinematography’s of Latin America, the cinema of Colombia has long been on the side lines, significantly yielding to Argentina and Mexico, and also constantly experiencing pressure on the film market from Hollywood. Unlike Colombian literature, which conquered the world with "magical realism", the cinema of this country gravitates towards social realism. He is characterized by a bold approach to the most difficult and painful topics, a constant interest in the realities of the country's life. In this regard, when analysing Colombian cinematography, the most productive is the expansion of the boundaries of research in the field of historical memory, an appeal to the problem of violence and overcoming the trauma of the past.

Palabras claves:
Colombia, cinema, 20th century, historical memory, social realism, cinema history.

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