Número #32 del 2021 año, 260-277


G. Filatov

The article examines the role of the magazine Acción Española in the formation of the ideology of the right-wing forces during the Second Spanish Republic. Its proclamation found the right-wing groups in Spain in a weakened state. The reason for this was their fragmentation, as well as the banning of all parties during the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. The establishment of a republic with its leftist character caused a tendency towards reorganization of both the right-wing forces themselves and their ideology. It is for this purpose that the magazine Acción Española was created. It became a place where representatives of different ideological currents of the right spectrum published their doctrines. Subsequently, their elements will form the basis of the ideology of Francoism. This will be greatly facilitated by the fact that many of the magazine's authors will at first enter the party and state apparatus of the new regime.

Palabras claves:
Spain, Acción Española, Spanish right, traditionalism, ideology

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