Número #32 del 2021 año, 308-323


J. Navarro Navarro F.

This article analyzes the memory and representation of the Second Spanish Republic, particularly its years in peace (1931-1936), in Spanish fiction cinema and made in this country, from 1939 to the present day. The most common ideas and images in this vision of the Second Republic present in cinematography are studied, and the continuity / evolution or change in them throughout the Franco dictatorship, the Democratic Transition and to this day, taking as an example some films. Finally, some general conclusions are addressed that highlight a lower visibility of this period in Spanish cinematography in general compared to the period of the Civil War (1936-1939), as well as the persistence of certain stereotypes around the Second Republic. 

Palabras claves:
History of Spain, Second Republic, Civil War 1936-1939, memory, cinema, history of cinema

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