Número #36 del 2022 año, 59-75

Cultural policy of regional Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía)

A. Koroleva

The Andalusian Culture and public cultural policy in the last 40 years was hold as a construction of the autonomous community in the context of the transition to democracy and the construction a new cultural administration. Under the cultural policy of the Junta of Andalusia, the infrastructural activities of the autonomous community in the field of culture and art, expressed in the form of protection and stimulation of the development of the cultural sector in the region by providing guarantees and creating favorable framework socio-political conditions for them, are considered. The cultural policy in Andalusia over the past forty years is not difficult to describe. As in all of Spain, culture was included in the construction of the Andalusian autonomy. At the same time, this was due to the urgent need to create a cultural administration that would contribute to the creation of the Andalusian cultural system. All this, moreover, had to be done quickly. Two directions of cultural policy were formed, as it were: transversal and sectoral. The transversal direction began to take shape from the very beginning, as it was necessary to form a new generation of civil servants, managers in the field of culture, focused on the political aspects of cultural policy, the task was to attract different social groups to the field of culture, access to which was previously limited. The second direction was a response to the external challenges of subsequent years, associated with the growth of cultural activity provoked by the Junta and the building of public-private partnerships in the industry.

Palabras claves:
cultural policy, Andalusia, culture, democratic memory, identity, heritage, cultural processes, flamenco

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