Número #37 del 2023 año, 30-59

The idea of armed struggle in the left movement of Latin American in the period 1920-1940s.

A. Diplomatov

The first half of the XX century was marked for Latin America by a period of struggle for the political independence of the states of the continent. In the context of direct interference in the state policy of Latin American countries by the United Kingdom and, to an even greater extent, the United States, and the flagship in the struggle for national independence often turned out to be the left movement. At the same time, when determining their strategies and tactics, the Latin American left (both themselves and in discussions with the Third, Communist International, which "discovered" the continent in 1927) often developed the concept and ideas of an armed seizure of power in order to carry out internal political and economic reforms and ensure the desired national independence. As a result of comparing the ideas and implementation of plans for armed struggle in the left movement of Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba, the author comes to the following results: despite the presence of a "coordinating body" in the form of the Comintern, colossal differences in the political situation, economic situation and experience of spreading leftist ideas led to the idea of an armed struggle for power in each of the these countries developed separately from the rest. For two decades, events have taken place in the region that allow today to conduct a comparative analysis of the theory and implementation of the idea of an armed struggle for power in different Latin American countries, giving a general assessment of this phenomenon, revealing its general and particular characteristics.

Palabras claves:
Armed struggle, left movement, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Comintern

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