Número #37 del 2023 año, 163-184

The foreign policy program of the modern left movement of Uruguay: regional and global dimensions

A. Andreev

Political developments 2020–2021 in Latin America allow us to talk about the beginning of a new left turn in the region. The rise of the influence of left forces on the continent is having an impact on the left in Uruguay, where the traditional right parties are now in power. The purpose of this article is to determine the features of the foreign policy program of the modern left forces of Uruguay. Based on party programs, speeches of party leaders, parliamentary discussions, the article shows how the Uruguayan left perceives global and regional processes, how they see the future of the country's foreign policy. Article presents the expert assessments of the effectiveness of modern Uruguayan diplomacy, shows the scenarios for its changes if the left coalition returns to power. Particular attention is paid to Russian-Uruguayan relations in the context of the left movement.

Palabras claves:
Uruguay, left turn, Russian-Uruguayan relations, Broad Front, Uru-guay's foreign policy, Uruguay's left movement

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