Civil society and overcoming the social ex-clusion of children, youth and the elderly (on the example of Argentina and Chile)
The article examines the activities of civil society organizations in Argentina and Chile to reduce the social exclusion of two vulnerable groups of the population: on the one hand, children and youth, on the other, elderly people from poor backgrounds. Based on the analysis of the work of a number of non-governmental organizations aimed at the social adaptation of the younger generation and the creation of a tolerant social environment for older people, the specifics of civil society as an active participant in public life, a full-fledged partner of the state in promoting social policy are revealed. It is noted that the educational activities of NGOs and the development of specific practices of additional training, volunteer support, the creation of special centers for mutual assistance and communication are able to produce new values, form social capital and solve a wide range of tasks related to expanding life prospects and overcoming discrimination.
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