Número #39 del 2023 año, 142-163

Formation of historical science and social thought in Mexico in the 19th century

I. Selivanova

This article analyzes the process of formation of historical science and social thought in Mexico in the 19th century. The author focuses on the important works of some of the most famous researchers of Mexican history, which laid the foundation for Mexican historiography. The author notes that the origin and formation of Mexican national historiography and social thought was associated with key political events in the country's history: War of Independence 1810-1824, creation of the first liberal constitutions, Mexican-American War 1846-1848. and territorial disputes with the United States, bourgeois reforms, the civil war of 1854–1860, the Anglo-French-Spanish intervention, the liberation war of the Mexican people of 1861–1867. These events occupied an important place in the works of the first Mexican historians, who often personally took part in the process of the political formation of an independent state and became the starting points around which the historical concepts of the Mexican history of the national period were formed. these events primarily attracted the attention of historians and became the starting points around which the historical concepts of the Mexican history.

Palabras claves:
Mexico, New Spain, historical science, social thought, positivism, conservatism, liberalism, War for independence

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