Número #18 del 2017 año, 155-177


A. Schelchkov

The 30th years of the XXth century in Cuba were marked by a revolutionary upsurge, the growing popularity of socialist and communist ideas. The Comintern relied on the Cuban revolution for the development of the continental revolutionary process. At the same time, in the International and Latinamerican communist movement there is a split on the supporters of Trotskyism and Moscow's official position. These processes, in the specific circumstances of the Cuban revolution, led to a fierce struggle between the Communist Party and their former comrades-in-arms, dissidents who had joined the international Trotskyism. This work is devoted to the formation and development of the Cuban Trotskyist movement during the revolutionary events of the 1930s.

Palabras claves:
Trotskyism, Stalinism, Cuba, Comintern, revolution, dissi-dents movements in communism, Sandalio Junco, Juan Ramon Brea

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