Número #44 del 2024 año, 7-27

The Development of Mexican historical science and social thought in the works of Francisco Bulnes and Carlos Pereira

I. Selivanova

The author focuses on the key works of two famous researchers of Mexican history, Francisco Bulnes and Carlos Pereira, who had a major influence on the development of Mexican historiography. Their historical works illustrate the process of formation of historical science and social thought in Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author shows the close connection between the emerging Mexican national historiography and key events in the country's history. The turbulent political events of the Mexican history of the 19th century: the bourgeois revolution and the subsequent civil war of 1854-1860; foreign intervention, which threatened to the sovereignty of the Mexican people; the long regime of General Porfirio Diaz, which predetermined the revolution of 1910-1917, were the center of attention and were assessed in the works of Mexican historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The historical works of Francisco Bulnes and Carlos Pereira, continued the traditions of the formation of Mexican historical thought, became important milestones in the development of national historiography and have retained their importance and relevance for researchers to our days.

Palabras claves:
Mexico, historiography, Francisco Bulnes, Carlos Pereira historical and social thought, liberal reforms, porfiriado

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