U.S. Approach to the Revolutions in Mexico, China and Russia: the Experience of Interaction and Reflection
The article is devoted to the general and specific features of the practical policy of the United States in relation to revolutionary processes abroad in the early twentieth century. The examples used are the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917, the Russian Revolution and Civil War of 1917-1922, the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 in China. The starting point for the study is the tradition of comparative study of revolutions, theories of their genesis and influence on international relations. It is noted that the presence of stable ideas about "progress" determined the positive perception of revolution as a phenomenon by Americans. Particular attention is paid to the significance of American stereotypes about their country as the most successful "revolutionary nation". A search is undertaken for evidence that the United States gradually accumulated experience of interaction with revolutions, having rather limited information about them. The article examines the correlation of diplomatic, military, economic, and propaganda instruments of Washington's influence on the situation in Mexico, China, and Russia, identifying common and specific features. It is indicated that the Americans proceeded from the thesis of the possibility of quickly overcoming the destructive phase of the revolution and its transition to a constructive channel. It is assumed that the revolutions in the countries under consideration contributed to the gradual eradication of primitive "positivist" views on historical development in the minds of the American political elite and intelligentsia. At the same time, the entire architecture of planning and conducting US foreign policy was becoming more complex, including due to the need to compete with other "great powers." The approach outlined is intended to clarify the typical features of state policy in the context of revolution as an international problem.
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