Número #17 del 2016 año, 80-99


V. Damier

The 1917 revolution in Russia made a huge impression on the anarchists of South America, particularly in Argentina. Most of them are originally accepted the victory of the Bolsheviks as a step towards a stateless society of anarchist communism. They saw in the Russian Revolution that they would like to see, and so they tend to interpret events in the distant Russia in the spirit of their own ideas and views. Only gradually — as the receipt of information about the real situation in Russia, the Bolshevik dictatorship and repression against anarchists and socialists in Russia — the anarchist movement began to rethink it idealization of the Russian Revolution. Criticism of Bolshevik actions contributed to the development of the original ideological concepts of Argentine anarchism. The article discusses the process of delimitation of the Argentine anarchists against Bolshevism in 1919–1923.

Palabras claves:
Anarchism, Argentine, Bolshevism, FORA, Russian Revolution

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