Número #17 del 2016 año, 241-259


P. Stefanoni, H. Tarcus

The Argentine left movements are rich in terms of debates and cultural influence but are characterized for their divisions and complex relation with Peronism at the same time. Within these movements, there is a plurality of traditions ranging from left populism to Trotskyism, including a weak social democracy. This article presents a possible map of political currents and cultures. We focus particularly on the rebuilding of the left-wing political spectrum after the December 2001 uprising, which allowed Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández to reach the presidency — who were aligned with the Latin American “pink tide”. We also focus on the development of radical left movements in various trade and students’ unions, and on the rise and decline of the autonomist left, influenced by the Mexican Zapatist movement and by thinkers such as Antonio Negri or John Holloway. Finally, we provide a balanced consideration of the Kirchnerist experience and of the various political stances of the left vis a vis the left centered Peronist version. 

Palabras claves:
left movements, socialism, peronism, December 2001 uprising, Argentina.

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