Número #21 del 2019 año, 42-65

Formation and Development of Constitutionalism in Mexico: from Colony to the In-dependence (historical and legal aspect)

I. Selivanova , A. Tsygankov

This article analyzes the features of the legal system of New Spain. The theme of this research is the formation of constitutionalism in Mexico at the initial stage, on the eve of the struggle for independence. The process of constitutional construction began during first decades of the 19th century, when appeared the first philosophical and legal studies which talk about the need of own constitution and occupied a special place in the development of constitutionalism. The author focuses on the first progressive projects for the independent development of Mexico, written in the form of constitutions before the start of the War of Independence.

Palabras claves:
legal system, constitutionalism, constitutional construction, constitu-tion, congress, ayuntamiento, audiencia

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