Número #21 del 2019 año, 66-84

The beginning of the Anglo-Colombian relations

V. Kazakov

The article focuses on the problem of the relations between Great Britain and Colombia (Nuevo Granada) at the time of Santander – president of New Granada in 1833–1837. Author shows the origins of these relations, the role of Anglo-Colombian treaty on the formation of the economic dependence of Colombia from Great Britain. The special attention is paid to analyses of the dispatches of British ambassador at Bogotá Turner to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs viscount H. Palmerston, examination of key events, which according to British diplomat caused great influence upon Anglo-Colombian relation, his attitude towards Colombian politicians, especially Santander, his general disdain towards the country and its inhabitants, his efforts to obtain for Great Britain the privileges of the most favored nation without the Granadian Government being entitled to demand reciprocity. This article also examines the activity of the Government of New Granada to protect the interests of his country (proposal of Colombian Government to make a new treaty instead of existent that secured to Great Britain a complete monopoly which is completely ruinous to the interests on New Granada; the imposition of high duties on certain foreign goods for the encouragement of Granadian manufactures.

Palabras claves:
Great Britain, New Granada, Palmerston, Santander, treaty between Great Britain and Colombia, convention, foreign debt of Colombia, most favored nation, free trade, protectionism

Santander y los ingles 1832–1840. / Deas M., Sandus E. (Comp.) T. I–II. Santafe de Bogotá: Bibl. de la Presidencia, 1991.

Hamilton J.P. Viajes por el interior de las provincias de Colombia. Bogotá, Imp. del Banco de la Republica, 1995.

Relationes diplomaticas de Colombia y la Nueva Granada. Santafe de Bogotá: Bibl. de la Presidencia, 1993.

Rivas R. Historia diplomatica de Colombia (1810–1834). Bogotá, 1961.

Santander y la opinion angloamericana 1821–1840. / Sowel D. (Comp.) Santafe de Bogota: Bibl. de la presidencia, 1991.