The incipient Bolivian student movement paved the way for the emergence of Marxism in the country. Influenced by the University Reform of Córdoba in 1918, the Russian and Mexican revolutions and the Peruvian Apra, the student movement became critical of Bolivia’s oligarchy and fueled the new nonconformist currents that oscillated between Marxism, Anti-imperialism and Revolutionary nationalism. This article sheds light on the networks of sociability that gave rise to “new structures of feeling”, on the journeys of variously recognized intellectual figures, as well as on students’ conferences and political experiments. This juxtaposition of personal and collective projects, voluntary trips and stories of exile, exchanges, appropriations and adaptations to the “Bolivian reality” gradually laid the ground for the formation of what amounted practically to a nonconformist informal web with youth at its core as a new political key player.
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