For authors

For the authors of the «Latin-American Historical Almanac»

Latin American History Almanac  provides direct Open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in the global exchange of knowledge. This journal publishes  under a license of Creative Commons

By submitting their articles for publication in our journal, the authors agree to the following: Copyright is reserved for the authors, and the journal is granted the right to first publish the work under the terms of the  Creative Commons Attribution License.  This makes articles available online to anyone who has an Internet connection, permanently and without any restrictions. For such articles, their unrestricted use is permitted (including partial use in derivative works), as well as distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the correct reference is made to the author of the work and to the source of publication.

Open Access publications undergo the same selection and review, production, editorial, and publishing processes as articles published under the traditional subscription-based scheme. (See   The Effect of Open Access)

All publications in the journal are free

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

– Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Articles are accepted and published in Russian, Spanish, Portugues and English.


All scientific manuscripts are submitted to double-blind peer review. The tasks of the reviewers include assessing the novelty and scientific significance of the work, the validity of the source base, the reliability of the research results, the historiographic essay, the style of the presentation, the correspondence of the title of the work and the abstract to its contentReviewers submit proposals and critical recommendations at the discretion of the author.

Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board, leading experts on the specific subject of the article (including foreign scientists). The deadline for providing feedback by the reviewer is 6 weeks. Based on the results of the consideration of the manuscript, the reviewer expresses his reasonable opinion: 1. About publishing in this form; 2. Publish subject to revision in accordance with criticism and recommendations; 3. Refuse to publish with the indication of the reasons for such a conclusion. 

The editorial board acquaints the author with the text of the review and, if necessary, offers to improve the article. The author has the opportunity, in case of disagreement of the author with the commentsto send a reasoned answer, on the basis of which the editorial board decides on publication, or sends for additional peer review.  

Copies of reviews, or a letter with the reasons for refusal are send to authors. The form of review is attached.

Double blind peer review form

Articles are accepted for consideration for publication when the following norms are complied with and if full information about the author is available.

The reviews are kept by the editors and the publishing house for at least five years.

Articles should include the title of the article, the abstract (200-250 words), keywords (5-8), the information about the author in Russian (or Spanish) and English, and a bibliography of the literature used at the end of the article. The abstract should contain a statement of the problem and brief conclusions of the author.

The references formatted as automatic footnotes.
Books: Name of author, year of publication, page

In footnotes:
Palacios, 2004. P. 101.
Miguel Antonio Caro y la cultura, 2002. P. 201

In the bibliography:
Palacios M. La clase más ruidosa y otros ensayos sobre política e historia. Bogotá: Norma, 2004.
Miguel Antonio Caro y la Cultura de su época. / Sierra Mejía R. (ed.)
Bogotá: Universidad nacional de Colombia, 2002.

If the same authors has several books in the same years of publication, should be indicate with a letter.

Illades, 2018, a. P. 22.
Illades, 2018, b. P. 33.

In the bibliography:
Illades C. El futuro es nuestro. Historia de la izquierda en México. México: Océano, 2018, a.
Illades C. El marxismo en México. Una historia intelectual.
México: Taurus ed., 2018, b.

In footnotes:
Jeifets V., Jeifets L., 2014.
P. 71.

In the bibliography:
Jeifets V., Jeifets L. La Internacional Comunista y la izquierda argentina primeros encuentros y desencuentros. // Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda. año III, n° 5, septiembre 2014.
Buenos Aires, P. 71-92.

Newspapers, archives, documents are presented in footnotes completely.

Cartas políticas de Julián Páez. Bogotá: Impr. Medardo Rivas, 1896.
La Nación.
Buenos Aires. 10 de noviembre, 2010.

In the Bibliography the Books in Russian:
Гонионский С.А. Колумбия. Историко-этнографические очерки. М.: Наука, 1973. Gonionskiy S.A. Kolumbia. Istoriko-etnografitcheskie otcherki. Moskva: Nauka, 1973 [Colombia, Historical-ethnografical essays].