Issue #23 in 2019 year, 185-199

Left political thought in modern Bolivia DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-185-199

T. Vorotnikova

Article reveals origins and evolution of left ideas in Bolivia, as well as their role in the modern political process. The key leitmotifs that characterize theory and practice of the Bolivian left-wing movement and have paramount relevance in the current sociopolitical context, are highlighted. There is the problem of national identity and integrity of the nation, the role of the proletariat as the leading power of the socialist transformations and the overcoming of capitalist relations through the creation of alternative mechanisms of economic development based on Andean-Amazonian culture. The sources for the analysis are the articles, collected papers and interviews with the politician, thinker and prominent representative of the left thought Alvaro García Linera, who has been holding the post of Vice-President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia since 2006.

Bolivia, left ideology, Indeanism, indigenous peoples, proletariat, neo-extractivism

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