Issue #23 in 2019 year, 213-232

Social Policy in Spain in the 1940s DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-213-232

G. Filatov

Even during the Civil War, the Francoists in their statements promised active social measures: improvement of working conditions, help for the poor, support of families. Despite the fact that some of these promises were never fulfilled, spending on social needs went up in the 1940s and exceeded those of the pre-war period. The Franco regime relied largely on those institutions that had been created before the civil war. The National Institute of Insurance, retirement pensions appeared in the first quarter of the 20th century. At the same time, the regime introduced new payments designed to support the population: sickness insurances for workers with low wages, subsidies for families with children. However, this policy was controversial. On one hand, a significant part of the financial burden of social benefits fell upon the workers themselves. On the other hand, many programs were charitable, that is, optional for the state. This was particularly true of the most famous program “Social Assistance”.

Spain, Francoism, social policy, labor charter, social assistance

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