Issue #23 in 2019 year, 233-253

"Moors" and "Christians" of Spain five centuries later DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-233-253

A. Kozhanovsky

At the turn of XX-XXI centuries there have taken place a socio-ideological conflict in Spain connected with the traditional holiday "Moors and Christians». An influential part of society opposed the role assigned to women in this ritual and game action as well as the interpretation of Islamic principle in it. This situation largely reflects the current state of Spanish society in terms of its national and cultural identity, its ideological and psychological atmosphere which has gradually established in the period following the transition from Francoism to democracy. Finally, it shows the degree of its influence on the population of the country in one of the important aspects of its life.


Spain, mass immigration, folklore tradition, neoliberal ideology, value conflict

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