Issue #23 in 2019 year, 7-19

The general strike against Ferrer’s murder. Trade-union fragmentation and political disputes (October 1909) DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-7-19

A. Belkin

This article examines the general strike that took place in Argentina in October 1909, in response to the execution of the libertarian pedagogue Francisco Ferrer, in Spain. This important event had been almost forgotten, but it is crucial to understand the cycle of workers' protests that begins in May 1909 and ends a year later, on the occasion of the Centenario, when a decisive stage in the development of the Argentine workers' movement came to an end. Its study allows to assess the evolution of social conflict and its links with the dispute between the main political currents that were active among the Argentine working class.

General Strike, Argentina, Anarchism, Socialism, Revolutionary Syndicalism, Working class

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