Issue #23 in 2019 year, 20-41

Rafael Uribe Uribe DOI:10.32608/2305-8773-2019-23-1-20-41

V. Kazakov

The article explores the life and work of the famous Columbian political figure, leader of Columbian liberal party Rafael Uribe Uribe. He was a representative of a new phase of Columbian liberalism, which appeared at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. After the "War of the Thousand days" he became a protagonist of the peaceful way of country's development. He devoted his life to the struggle for the democratization of the Columbian political regime. Uribe Uribe opposed the separation of Panama. Which was organized by the United States, criticized the Monroe Doctrine, firstly used to justify America's continental expansion but at the turn of the century revived to assert that the United States had a right and duty to extend its influence and civilization in the Western Hemisphere. Special attention is paid to his concept of "State socialism" as a way of the social economic modernization of Columbia.

Columbia, Uribe, Uribe, "War of the Thousand days", 'State social-ism", nationalists, liberals, conservatives, republicans

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