Issue #24 in 2019 year, 22-40

THE 1930 COUP AND THE DICTATOR-SHIP OF J.F. URIBURU IN ARGENTINA DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2019-24-1-22-40

V. Kazakov

This article examines the 1930 coup and the dictatorship of Uriburu in Argentina. Special attention is paid to the conflict between military factories divided by ideological conviction: the «corporatists» led by general Uriburu and the «liberals» led by general Justo. The corporatists or right wing nationalists struggled against demoliberal system and advocated a strong government that would maintain discipline, hierarchy and the social order. This government would take the shape of corporatist system, based on the «vital forces» of society instead of the corrupt parties. Он the contrary the Justo faction sought to overthrow the radicals but not to alter the constitutional order. They felt that the coup should be a civilian military movement followed by a provisional government that would remain in power only until conditions necessary for holding national election could be restored. Justo triumphed over Uriburu. After shotrlived dictatorship of Uriburu in Argentina was restored conservative order.

Argentina, Uruburu, Irigoyen, Justo, radicals, corporatist system, right wing nationalists

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