Número #24 del 2019 año, 105-122


E. Grantseva

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Spanish architecture of the first Francoism (1939 - 1959). The adoption of the Franco regime determined a change in the stylistic guidelines of Spanish architecture. Many experts left the country and the post-war reconstruction was under the strict control of the new government. Architecture now had to be in line with the ideas of the Hispanidad concept and demonstrate the greatness of Spain, its main characteristic was the combination of monumentalism and historicism, orientation towards the architecture of the Spanish Golden Age, as well as the experience of Germany and Italy. The influence of building installations of totalitarian regimes in the context of their own ideology of Francoism is especially noticeable in the main architectural project of the era - the Valley of the Fallen. However, further transformation of the regime in the late 1950s - 1960s and his focus on renewal and technological progress showed that the architects of Francoism were not able to create a style that meets the needs of the time, their ideas in the field of architecture and urbanism were not viable.

Palabras claves:
Spain, Francoism, architecture, Valley of the Fallen, Franco, Pedro Muguruza, Hispanidad, totalitarian architecture, post-war

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