Issue #24 in 2019 year, 211-223

SOFT POWER OF THE PEOPLE'S PARTY: MARCA ESPAÑA PROJECT DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2019-24-1-211-223

A. Koroleva

The article considers the achieved results of the Marca España project, a strategy for promoting the image of Spain abroad, carried out by the People’s Party from 2001 to 2004. and from 2012 to 2018 Of the 6 main areas for evaluating Spain’s national brand, the weakest are the investment climate, the made in effect and the political situation in the country. The design of a territorial brand is based on a strategic approach. The lack of continuity of foreign policy of governments led to the fact that 2003 - 2011 were lost. The research results of the Reputation Institute and Real Instituto Elcano as a whole show weak positive dynamics and a rather favorable prognosis for the perception of Spain abroad, which indicates the competitiveness of the Spanish national brand.

image of Spain, Spain’s national brand, made in effect

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