Jamaica: the last jewel in the English New World crown DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-25-1-72-81
Jamaica, the largest English-speaking country in the Caribbean, got under the English flag in the second half of the XVII century. At that time the British first of all took care to give a powerful push to the plantation economy associated with the production of sugar and cotton, for which a huge number of slaves were brought to the island. On this one of the largest Caribbean Islands there was found a haven for pirates, widely used at this time by England in this region to implement its colonial policy. «You have as many enemies, as you have slaves» - these words of the Roman philosopher Seneca found full confirmation in Jamaica. Runaway maroon slaves became unappeasable opponents of the English, as well as the Spanish large landowners, which led to a number of major revolts.
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