Issue #26 in 2020 year, 132-162

The decline of Mexican Anti-imperialist Movement after the Left-Wing Turn of the CP of Mexico DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-26-1-132-162

V. Jeifets

The article deals with the analysis of transformation of Mexican antiimperialist movement (organized within the Antiimperialist League) after the left-wing turn taken by the Communist Party of Mexico under the pressure of the Comintern in 1928-1929. The author showed the decline of the Mexican Antiimperialist League (which used to be before those events relatively influential in some parts of Latin America) and its transformation into the marginal group in the 1930s. The League’s renaissance during Lazaro Cardenas’ presidency was not a result of Communist efforts, but was, rather determined by the Communist’ decision to play a role of minor partner within the pro-governmental front.

antiimperialism; Antiimperialist League; Comintern; the Communist Party of Mexico; Mexico; left-wing turn

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