Issue #26 in 2020 year, 163-191

The Comintern and Unorthodox Latin American Socialism: The Fight Against Mariategism and Recabarrenism DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-26-1-163-191

A. Schelchkov

The first decades of the existence of the international communist movement in Latin America were rich in internal discussions and theoretical and political conflicts. Important figures in Latin American communism were Jose Carlos Mariátegui in Peru and Luis Emilio Recabarren in Chile. They were the founders of the communist movement in their countries, original politicians and thinkers. In the period after the Sixth Congress of the Comintern, the so-called Proletarization and Bolshevization of parties, were launched the campaigns against the “mariategism” and “rebarrenism” that had many negative consequences. This article is devoted to this problem of relations between the Communist Parties of Peru and Chile with the Comintern and the consequences of the struggle against deviations in these parties.

José Carlos Mariátegui, “third period”, Comintern, Luis Emilio Recabarren, Indian question, Peru, Chile

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