Issue #26 in 2020 year, 192-214

The projection of a revolutionary symbol: Leon Trotsky in the memory of intellectuals and militants, 1940-1950 DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-26-1-192-217

J. Bustamante González

In this investigation, is analyzed the symbolic post-mortem representation of Leon Trotsky elaborated by the militants of the Fourth International in Mexico and a group of intellectuals during the 1940s. In the first part, an account is made of the anti-Trotskyist campaign, its advertising elements and its ideological impact. In a second moment, the political atmosphere that was generated at Trotsky's funeral is described. In the third section, it´s explained how a circle of writers projected the figure of the former leader of the Red Army, according to a particular model of critical intellectual. Finally, the symbolic characterization of Lev Davidovich made by the Trotskyist militants is addressed. The conflict between communists and the projection of their images, during the years of study, have to be placed in the political context marked by World War II and the beginning of the Cold War, in which hegemonic powers such as the Soviet Union and the United States established their geopolitical tactics to preserve their domains and expand.

Leon Trotsky, symbol, intellectuals, militants, anti-Trotskyism

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