Issue #27 in 2020 year, 33-58

Spanish Anarchism: "New Morality" and "Free Women" DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-27-1-33-58

A. Fedorov

The history of Spanish anarchism is not only the history of the struggle of the labor movement and the peasantry for their rights and the creation of a society based on the principles of libertarian communism. It is also a complex combination of a number of topics that made the anarchist movement an alternative cultural project that permeated all spheres of life. An important part of this project was the issues of sexuality, new morality, which were called upon not only to change industrial relations in society, the political system, but to radically change society itself, change public consciousness. Another important part was the struggle for women's rights, which increased dramatically with the beginning of the civil war and the revolution of 1936-1939. At the same time, one of the most important means for anarchists to achieve their goals in the field of culture was the struggle to increase the level of literacy of the population and the development of educational programs. This article covers all these aspects of the history of Spanish anarchism.

anarchism, anarcho-individualism, cultural revolution, education, new morality, "Free Women", naturism, eugenics

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