Venezuela: the trajectory of the development of the labor movement DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-28-1-86-112
The article is devoted to the labor movement in Venezuela and the influence on it of the Communist International. The origin and evolution of independent trade unions, their social activities are considered. The tactics and forms of struggle for the rights of workers and the effectiveness of these actions in different historical periods of the Latin American country are analyzed. Despite the opposition of the authorities, their desire to limit or control trade unions, they have become an important factor in political life. At the same time, the author concludes that there is a strong ideological polarization of the syndicates, which weakens their opportunities. This disunity is used by governments which are seeking to monopolize the decision-making process. In addition, the current state of trade unions in the Bolivarian Republic and the attitude of the administrations of U. Chavez and N. Maduro towards them are touched.
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