Issue #28 in 2020 year, 132-144

Scientist for all time. The 120th anniversary of the birth of Gilberto Freyre DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-28-1-132-144

N. Konstantinova

The article is devoted to the creative heritage of the outstanding Brazilian scientist Gilberto Freire and is timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of his birth. The author examines the process of forming a future scientist and analyzes the evolution of his views throughout his creative life. Particular attention is paid to his main work - the voluminous study “Casa Grande e Senzala”, which laid the foundation for the Brazilian sociological school. Freire's innovative ideas regarding the positive role of racial mixing in Brazil and the impact of this phenomenon on the subsequent fate of the country and its people are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the contradictory political views of J. Freyri. The role of the contribution of this multifaceted scientist to the development of Brazilian and world humanitarian thought is emphasized. In conclusion, it is concluded that in the era of globalization, the works of Gilberto Freire are still relevant, primarily in the context of the problem of national and cultural identity.

Gilberto Freire, Brazil, “Casa Grande e Senzala”, national identity, racial problem

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