Issue #28 in 2020 year, 207-236

Latin America through the vision of environmental geopolitics. A little about the history of the issue DOI: 10.32608/2305-8773-2020-28-1-207-236

A. Shinkarenko

In this article, the author touches upon the formation of ecological geopolitics and the role of Latin America in it. The socio-political processes that are currently taking place in the region focus on environmental problems, as well as the possibility of reducing the intensity of extractivistic initiatives. The relevance of the environmental discourses and the costs generated with the rental model of the economy, is characteristic not only of Latin America, but also other regions of the world. Nevertheless, it is here we can observe the active work of anti-extractive movements to form a contemporary environmental agenda and search for models that are alternative to the current state of the world.

Environmental discourse, theory of geopolitics, indigenous population, problems of environmental pollution, "consensus of the commodities"

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