Issue #29 in 2021 year, 126-146

ПThe processes of “democratic transition” in Latin America in the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century and leftist forces of the region

A. Andreev

Democratic transition processes manifested in the Latin American region since the mid-1980s. – the period of the beginning of the “fall” of military dictatorships and the return to civilian control. These processes were directed and organized by left-wing forces, which not only participated in struggle against dictatorships, but also took part in the restoration of key political institutions - elections, courts, and the adoption of new constitutions. This article, based on archival materials, media materials, memoirs, determines the features of the participation of Latin American left forces in the democratic transition, their place in the formed political structures in the context of the legacy of the Comintern and new opportunities.

democratic transit, Comintern, leftist movement, communist movement, military dictatorships.

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